My friend Poly told me about how she incorporates textures into photos. She quickly showed me some examples and how she does it. So, I just went outside and took some photos of items that have texture, such as bricks, my screen door, the grill I can give textures a try. The texture in this photo is of the top of our central air conditioning unit, right outside our home. You probably can see that it has a fan-like pattern to it. So, I started with my background photo of Matt and Lexy and cropped it to 10 x 8, giving it a slight angle (to the background) to give it a little more interest. I then opened my air conditioner picture and cropped it also to 10 x 8 and did a Ctrl A, Ctrl C. I closed that picture. I then did a Ctrl V, which pasted the AC photo on top of the background photo. Then I just played with the opacity of my new AC layer (54%) and fill (84%) until I liked what I saw. I then used the eraser on the AC layer and erased where Matt and Lexy were in the picture, so that no texture was on them. This is what I got. It's a first attempt at trying textures. I hear you can buy some great textures online, but for starters, it's fun to try your own!